In this area have 3 innovative patents :
1) patent on domestic production capacity 36 KW.
2) patent for an automotive engine power 130 KW,
3) patent for electrical centrals' engines power 750 MW.
These engines are in perpetual motion, by exploiting the kinetic energy produced, with a gger rotation driven
by pressurized oil, where inside the engine block, drive shaft has created a patented system that reproduces
and multiplie's the rotation based on the pressure to boost received from the oil.
These patents have not yet been distributed because the market is not prepared to receive this innovative system, this innovative system could destabilize the current energy market.
For this reason we are structuring a large public-private fund to finance the project and thinning entry into the
market, we expect to enter the products in the market for domestic energy by the year 2025
In this area we are present with 2 patents of innovative:
1) patent on domestic production output variable is a system of small mirrors to concentrate on solar cell
inside the panel, the photovoltaic cell is also an innovative organic synthesis on a natural plant extract on.
2) patent model sunflower throttle and photovoltaic solar tracker to be positioned on the ground, modular
and extensible.
1) patent on domestic production output variable is a system of small mirrors to concentrate on solar cell
inside the panel, the photovoltaic cell is also an innovative organic synthesis on a natural plant extract on.
2) patent model sunflower throttle and photovoltaic solar tracker to be positioned on the ground, modular
and extensible.